Monday, 26 May 2014

Do you see what I see? (learning from the process)

I was a uni drop out. I took my first year at Chichester University studying Fine Art. I didn't really want to be there, I wanted a baby(!) but my first munchkin took her time and so I was left with a year in which my choices were, go to uni, or get a job. I chose the uni route, and studied my first year, passed, but aside from the lovely people I got to meet, I didn't really enjoy it terrifically as most would at uni. I found it very prescriptive, you do as they want or they fail you, and the first year very much focussed on the process of making art, rather than the more conceptual side which is totally me (I love to work with meanings, rather than making art for 'nothing') I went hot with rage when I spent hours on a painting, only to be told that it wasnt what they wanted, they wanted something process based. I spent 4 minutes with a scrunched up piece of fabric dipped in paint, stamping it all over the paper....and they loved that. I resisted all I could avoid this 'learning from the process'.

Anyway, there is a point to this ;0)
When it comes to doll making, it turns out, it is a very process based art. My first dolls, so basic and not well made, and then from each evolving to how they are now. I'm finally at the point now where I can say, I like the dolls I make, they are made well enough to withstand toy testing, and visually I've got to the point where I cringe at the early dolls, the faces are now more defined and I easily recognised where a face is not 'quite right' and a head will end in the reject pile.
  I do get asked quite often, 'don't you get bored of making the same things over and over?' and truth be told, sometimes I go a little crazy and feel like I'm a factory, but each doll is made with love in the end.... it is actually in the process of repeating and repeating the same thing that new directions appear, not only has my work improved from the starting point, but it evolves all the time and new ideas and processes begin and I find myself somewhere new that I wasn't expecting.
Just when I think, I couldn't possibly think of another idea, working with the process takes me somewhere new. Sometimes these ideas just don't work out, but bring me to something else instead.
So maybe those Uni lecturers were onto something after all...
And although I don't normally post pictures of half made dolls, here is an exception, these are apple heads and leaves. but can you see what they could possibly be with a few little additions?

If you haven't a clue, think sea creature with a shell ;) 

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