Tuesday 24 April 2012

Trading standards visit

Monday I had TWO suited men turn up at my door, for my trading standards meeting, it was scary! They were however very friendly and as I ran through my plans for my paper trial, said that I'd obviously been doing my reading and that they were grateful as its so complicated. The end result was my toys dont need testing as they're small, so not a flammability risk, and they're sewn well so the stuffing isn't going to fall out! So my last job now is to order the okeo tex-100 fabric to comply, and then I'm all good to be making toys!! Below is my specification sheet for anyone who could use it for their technical file.

Unfortunately the fabric is anything up to £22 a metre, which is obviously a lot when I need all the rainbow colours, pink, black brown, plus skin fabric.... I'll buy in half metres so its not as bad but I'm still looking at £100+

So in the mean time I can still make my decorations which have blossomed into more things in the sketchbook! its fun.
I've also been selling a lot of pea pods, and being so touched by the stories that come with them. I feel really privileged to be let into strangers lives to talk about some things that are very sensitive, and its really very special.

One example was the tragic death of a mother with 8 day old triplets, I was asked to make a small decoration with a pea pod and angel, which was hard in general, but harder in the circumstances knowing what its about, my heart ached for that daddy and his babies. As the request was from a fellow facebook crafter, I asked her to donate my price for this to the fund for the family: http://www.justgiving.com/familyassistancefund and I hope the little piece brings comfort and hope for the difficult times ahead.

So theres a small update. have a good day!

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