Friday 13 April 2012

CE update and testing

Hello Munchkin friends,

This week has mostly been kept busy with getting samples ready for testing, they are all posted now, along with a sample label to be sure I've got all the important boring stuff written correctly, should take about 4 weeks for the results.

I'm also waiting on contact from the fabric companies at the moment, I need evidence that the dyes conform to dye standards safe for toys, which does make me wonder, if they're not using safe dyes...why on earth are they allowed to sell it in the first place? It doesnt make alot of sense to me, as fabric is generally made to be worn etc and it also blows my mind a little in thinking of the million bits of fabric in my home..clothes, furniture etc what exactly is in the dye around my children? but trying to be rational, I cant really dye all their clothes with red cabbage.... (though I cant admit to not trying!)

So, I got an email back from one the two fabric companies, one saying they'd find out and be in touch, the other took 2 weeks to say ask for data sheets when I order fabric, which is fine but I already put in a big order with them and that doesnt help!! its just not as easy as I hoped.

I have to admit I find this completely frustrating. If I cant meet all the criteria for the CE mark, I cant make the toys, and its so tempting to give up and say I've had enough, but I'm enjoying this, I've got lots of ideas and I love seeing them evolve! I just want it to fall into place.

If it comes to it I'll have to resort to keepsake/decoration items only which would be a real shame for all the childrens ideas I have.

In the mean time I've been busy with pea pods decorations this week! this sweet little set belongs to Nikki who wanted one to represent her children - two precious babies she lost first and her fab four.

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